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Measure Up parent night


Connections Public Charter School announces that it will be providing free school breakfast (7:00am-8:30am) and lunch (11am to 12:30pm) during its Summer Programs, June 5 - July 13, 2023 from at 174 Kamehameha Ave. Hilo, HI.

The meals will be available to any individual 18 and younger. For students who may need special accommodations, please call (808) 961-3664. The Seamless Summer Option is a Federal program that supports children with food service when the school system is out for the regular school year.
Other Locations Providing Free Summer Meals

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.


This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

School Meals

Connections Public Charter School participates in the National School Lunch Program and Breakfast Program.  The school qualifies for the Community Eligibility Provision, which means that all our students can eat breakfast and lunch for free.

Parents who are interested in participating with the school's Wellness Policy process can call 961-3664

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.


Elementary School Supply List '23-24

Middle School Supply List '23-24

High School Supply List '23-24

 Connections PCS Title I Comprehensive Action Plan 2023-24

PDA Guidelines

Strive HI Quick Facts

Parents right to Request Qualifications

BOE Family & Community Engagement Policy

Civil Rights Non-discrimination Statement

USDA Provides Food Safety Tips to Keep Foodborne Illness Out of the Classroom




Miulan Au Helfrich Kindergarten sherlynn_auhelfrich@connectionspcs.org
Kathleen Booth Grade 1 kathleen_booth@connectionspcs.org
Deissery Pestano Grade 2 deissery_pestano@connectionspcs.org
Karen Xavier Grade 3 karen_xavier@connectionspcs.org
Beth Pickett Grade 4 beth_pickett@connectionspcs.org
Kate Wines Grade 5 kathleen_wines@connectionspcs.org
Trista Calles Grade 6 trista_calles@connectionspcs.org
Harmony Bowen Secondary harmony_bowen@connectionspcs.org
Sonya Carvalho Secondary sonya_carvalho@connectionspcs.org
Grace Chao Secondary grace_chao@connectionspcs.org
Jeffrey Clark Secondary jeffrey_clark@connectionspcs.org
John Gallagher Secondary john_gallagher@connectionspcs.org 
Asia Helfrich Secondary asia_helfrich@connectionspcs.org
Brian Herr Secondary brian_herr@connectionspcs.org
Autumn Kekaualua Secondary autumn_kekaualua@connectionspcs.org
Michelle Kuruhara Secondary michelle_kuruhara@connectionspcs.org
Fallon Legaspi Secondary fallon_legaspi@connectionspcs.org
Samuel Miller Secondary samuel_miller@connectionspcs.org
Piper Selden Secondary piper_selden@connectionspcs.org
Emma Tanigawa Secondary emma_tanigawa@connectionspcs.org
Cindy Taylor Secondary cindy_taylor@connectionspcs.org
Pam Thatcher  Secondary  pamela_thatcher@connectionspcs.org
Jessica Butler Special Education jessica_butler@connectionspcs.org
Phil Deasy Special Education philip_deasy@connectionspcs.org
Jean DiMillo   Special Education jean_dimillo@connectionspcs.org
Emily Garland Special Education emily_garland@connectionspcs.org
Rhonda Gruber Special Education rhonda_gruber@connectionspcs.org
Scott McLean Special Education scott_mclean@connectionspcs.org
Ramona Ridley
Special Education/SSC  romona_ridley@connectionspcs.org
Damon Murphy Interim Director
John Woolverton Deputy Director john_woolverton@connectionspcs.org
Cade Loftin Deputy Director of SPED cade_loftin@connectionspcs.org
Erica Curtis 504 Coordinator erica_curtis@connectionspcs.org
Crystal Fortin Health Aide crystal_fortin@connectionspcs.org
Cheryl Gravela  Business Manager  cheryl_gravela@connectionspcs.org
Carol Gray Registrar carol_gray@connectionspcs.org
Kris Kua  Studio Shaka Director kristen_kua@connectionspcs.org
Olino Kotaki SASA olino_kotaki@connectionspcs.org
Rowena Mansanas SASA rowena_mansanas@connectionspcs.org
Travis Prose Info Technology Specialist travis_prose@connectionspcs.org
Holly Sumida Test Coordinator holly_sumida@connectionspcs.org
Eugene Wellons Transportation/Security Lead eugene_wellons@connectionspcs.org

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School Reference Forms

Student Forms for
School Records














Notice- New email address: cpcs@connectionspcs.org